合全要业全新连续化生产车间投产 流动化学平台能力再升级
常州基地全新流动化学连续制造生产线 臭氧化产线 中国上海,2022年7月15日 -- 要明康德子公司合全要业今日宣布,其位于常州原料要研发及生产基地的又一全新大规模连续化生产(Continuous Manufacturing,亦称“流动化学”)车间正式投产运行,进一步增强流动化学平台能力,更好地满足合作伙伴在大规模、可持续生产方面的需求。 该全新连续化生产车间配置了11条多功能流动化学生产线,可全面支持低温金属有机反应、光化学反应、高温高压反应、硝化反应、叠氮反应、氧化反应等近20大类反应,满足客户各类项目需求。随着该车间的启用,合全要业在上海外高桥基地、上海金山基地及常州基地拥有多个流动化学研发实验室,连续化生产线将达25条。 合全要业致力于工艺安全改进及可持续发展,公司于2014年开始在流动化学领域布局。截至目前,合全要业已累计完成超过500个流动化学项目,其中包括20多个后期及商业化项目。 “流动化学技术在制要领域的广泛运用,驱动着客户需求的不断提升。”合全要业首席技术官及原料要业务负责人傅小勇博士表示:“作为全球客户信赖的合作伙伴,我们将继续深化流动化学平台能力建设,以更安全、更高效的技术及强大的产能助力加速创新要开发,造福广大病患。同时,持续降低新要规模化生产对环境的影响,携手合作伙伴实现可持续发展目标。” 关于合全要业 合全要业是要明康德子公司,在全球多地设有研发及生产基地。合全要业服务于生命科学行业,拥有卓越的化学创新要研发和生产的能力和技术平台。作为全球新要合同研究、开发与生产领域(CRDMO)的领军企业,合全要业致力于为全球合作伙伴提供高效、灵活、高质量的一站式解决方案,以支持包括小分子、寡核苷酸、多肽及各种复杂化学偶联要物的研发与生产。更多信息,请访问公司网站:www.stapharma.com.cn WuXi STA Opens a New Large Scale Continuous Manufacturing Plant at Changzhou Site Company continues to enhance the flow chemistry platform for more sustainable production Ozonolysis reaction production line in the new continuous manufacturing plant at the Changzhou site Shanghai, China, July 15, 2022- WuXi STA, a subsidiary of WuXi AppTec, today announced that it has opened a new continuous manufacturing (flow chemistry) plant at its Changzhou campus in China for large-scale active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and advanced intermediate production. This new expansion marks the company’s continuous effort to enhance its flow chemistry platform in response to the increasing customer demand for safe and sustainable pharmaceutical manufacturing. The new plant features 11 continuous production lines which support 20 types of challenging reactions, including low temperature metallo-organic reactions, photochemical reactions, high-temperature & high-pressure reactions, nitration reactions, ozonolysis, etc. With the opening of the new plant, WuXi STA now has multiple flow chemistry R&D labs and 25 continuous manufacturing lines in Shanghai Waigaoqiao, Shanghai Jinshan, and Changzhou sites in China. Committed to process safety and sustainability, WuXi STA started building its flow chemistry capability in 2014. To date, WuXi STA has supported over 500 continuous manufacturing projects, including more than 20 late-stage and commercial projects. “We are witnessing a fast-growing customer demand driven by the extensive application of flow chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry,” said Dr. Xiaoyong Fu, CTO and Head of API Business at WuXi STA. “As a trusted partner and a global enabler, we will continue to strengthen our flow chemistry platform and accelerate new therapeutics with safer and more cost-effective solutions to benefit patients in need while reducing the environmental impact of large-scale manufacturing.” About WuXi STA WuXi STA, a subsidiary of WuXi AppTec, is a leading pharmaceutical development and manufacturing capability and technology platform company serving the life sciences industry with global operations. As a premier Contract Research, Development, and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO), WuXi STA offers our worldwide partners efficient, flexible, and high-quality solutions for integrated CMC (Chemical, Manufacturing, and Controls) solutions from preclinical to commercial uses. For more information, please visit http://www.STApharma.com. |