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This is composed of many and complex reasons, but there is one simplest explanation:



The Japanese think they are excellent in gene, culture, language and even everything. This idea was widely recognized by the top officials at that time. At that time, Japan was the only imperialist country in Asia. In their view, they would soon join the European imperialist club, especially after the victory over Russia in 1905.





As a result, many Chinese were slaughtered indiscriminately by the Japanese in World War II. They thought they were kind criminals and the victims were stupid monkeys.


Most importantly, the Japanese army is extremely cruel, and physical violence by superiors against subordinates is common. Therefore, combining all these factors - strong racism, distorted norms of honor and brutal soldiers - you will see that the Japanese were famous for irrational brutality and stupid atrocities during World War II.



In particular, the "Japanese invaders" in World War II are not all Japanese. Koreans are very keen to volunteer to join the Japanese army. In the five years of war before conscription, the number of applicants increased 100 times. From occupied Manchuria to POW camps in Southeast Asia, Koreans are known for being more barbaric than the Japanese. Koreans have been conquered since 1910. They have to vent their anger and depression somewhere. Joining the army is a perfect job for them.


德国国际问题专家海瑟 巴顿的回答



He also believed that the Japanese armed with bamboo spears could destroy the Russian army, and he was insane to a certain extent.


When you have an ideology that tells you that because of some x factor, you are the best in the world, while the rest of the world is somehow inferior, and it is beneficial for you to take extreme violence against "others", then you create a mentality among people that leads to aggression and ruthless violence.


The cruelty of the Japanese in this regard is not unique. The Germans in World War II were also cruel and ruthless to foreigners. The Americans also committed cruel acts of genocide against indigenous Indians. The Dutch slaughtered the residents of today's entire Indonesian island in the process of pursuing wealth, and the Belgians slaughtered tens of thousands of locals in Congo.

It explains how, in the past, certain groups committed genocide against the people they faced, because they had a so-called religious belief that they were chosen and that their God's will was to eliminate all other pagans or heresies.


I should mention that during the Boxer Movement at the end of the 19th century, that is, decades before World War II, Chinese civilians actually always loved to seek help and protection from the Japanese army. At that time, European and American troops were committing atrocities against the Chinese people. On the other hand, the Japanese were very decent.


In the late 1920s, there was an economic crisis in Japan. The far right militarist faction controlled the Japanese government and society - the social politics and economy were deteriorating. The military regarded ruling China as its destiny, just as the British ruled India or the Europeans killed Indians in the United States. The best way is to adopt a completely cruel attitude towards China, because they believe that all this has been completed, Japan can occupy the whole Chinese Mainland.


They believe that look at how the white people conquered Australia and North and South America, how the Ottoman Empire turned Constantinople, the largest Christian city and the capital of the Byzantine Empire, into a Muslim enclave Istanbul, and how the Mongols conquered half the world.





The amazing results of the above series of experiments are thought-provoking.



On August 6, 1945, when Japan was facing a complete disaster, its troops in the Pacific were annihilated, its main cities were destroyed by the enemy bomber fleet, the once powerful Japanese fleet was sunk, and the enemy Navy realized a 100% blockade. When the only B-29 bomber of the United States just dropped an atomic bomb in Hiroshima, the Japanese leadership decided:


We should step up training grandma and primary school students to repel the American invaders with bamboo spears. Of course, we should also carry out a barbaric war in China.




It is conceivable that Japanese fascists have been crazy to a certain extent.


美国网友詹姆斯 萨克尔的回答

There are many factors at work: racism, elitism, self-esteem and what they call a "sense of destiny".


Therefore, they treat other Asians as inhuman as Germans treat Jews and Slavs.


This is very contradictory, because Japanese evolved from Chinese, so there is an element of elitism. The Chinese are more advanced and civilized than the Japanese, but the Japanese think they have evolved to a higher level than the Chinese, so they treat them as Germans treat Eastern Europeans. Coercing neighboring countries to build a greater East Asia common prosperity circle, that is, the Japanese Empire from 1941 to 1944, is actually not Asia for Asians, but Japan's Asia.


In 1942, the Japanese got a serious case of victory disease. They defeated not only the United States, but also Britain, France and the Netherlands. This made them dizzy with victory.


In 1853, due to the negative impact of active contact with the Portuguese and the British, the Japanese cut off contact with the West. They expelled all gagin (barbarians) and their priests and stopped trade.


It was not until 1853 that brigadier general Perry landed in Okinawa and Japan to establish a refueling base for the United States that Japan's relations with the West were restored.


With a feeling of revenge, Japan got rid of isolation, self exile and began the process of industrialization. In a short period of 50-60 years, they built a navy and defeated Imperial Russia and wiped out the Russian Pacific Fleet in the tushma naval battle in 1905. This triggered Japan's adventurism in the Asian continent and eventually led to its invasion of China. Theodore Roosevelt mediated the negotiations to end the war, Japan got North Korea, and Russia gave up its claim to Manchuria, which was finally occupied by Japan.



Now, Japan treats its soldiers cruelly. Beating and humiliation are part of basic training and a way to maintain discipline. Therefore, it is not surprising that prisoners are also treated cruelly. Add Bushido nonsense and so-called doctrines, and you have the perfect approval to cruelly treat prisoners.



Now it's about self-esteem. Japan has something to prove itself. From a poor dependent country, it has become one of the Asian powers in about 60 years. They made a mess of the country where their former neighbors bullied Japan, and still feel that they are not good enough. This inherent self-esteem problem still exists today. The Japanese can only be called American people first. They love everything in the United States. The most popular plastic surgery is eyelid surgery: eyelid plastic surgery, which aims to make their eyes look more western and local.

So on the whole, you can say that the core reason is racial and cultural differences, as well as some elitism and self-esteem.


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