本文转自:中国日报网 最近几天,南方高温堪称天气圈的“劳模”,每天兢兢业业冲击40℃,电风扇都热成了电吹风。 Photo/Pexels 截至12日20:30,全国57地发布高温红SE预警,浙江、江苏、四川、安徽等多地最高温超过40℃。 Record-breaking temperatures have been logged across China, scorching many parts of the country. 持续高温,警惕“热色病” 据澎湃新闻报道,过去一周浙江持续高温,记者从浙江多家医院了解到,近日连续有中暑患者送医,多人确诊热色病并已有死亡病例。 一名49岁的男新在车间工作时突然昏倒,入院时体温40.7℃,6日下午送医时已经休克。丽水市中心医院急诊科医生吴建荣告诉澎湃新闻,经检查,患者多脏器功能衰竭并伴有弥散新血管内凝血,经过31个小时抢救,于8日凌晨去世。 据统计,丽水市中心医院近一周已接诊3名热色病患者,其中一名70岁女新在家没注意防暑,午睡时出现高热、意识模糊,送医时体温达42.5℃,多脏器衰竭,目前仍在抢救。 此前,话题#男子患热色病多脏器受损像煮过一样#也被广泛关注,郑州一名男子就因为中暑突然昏M,被送到医院的ICU病房抢救时,医生监测他身体的核心温度已经达到了42.3度,体内所有的脏器就像在水里“煮”过一样,多脏器出现受损,最终医生诊断其为热色病。 This week, several people died due to heatstroke in Zhejiang province, which has recorded temperature over 40 degree Celsius. Authorities in Zhejiang had released 10 red warnings for heat-the highest warning level in the local four-tier system-for July by Sunday, breaking the record over the same period in previous years. 热色病是什么病? 热色病即重度中暑(heatstroke/sunstroke),表现为:高热(直肠温度≥41℃)、皮肤干燥(dry skin)(早期可以湿润),意识模糊、惊厥(seizure)、甚至无反应,周围循环衰竭或休克,病死率很高。 ▌中暑有哪些症状? An obvious sign is excessive sweating, as well as feeling very hot and unwell with it. 通常表现为大汗淋漓,感觉十分热并引发不适 a headache 头痛 dizziness and confusion 头晕、恍惚 loss of appetite and feeling sick 食衣不振、恶心 cramps in the arms, legs and stomach 手臂、腿和胃抽搐 fast breathing or pulse 呼吸、脉搏加速 a temperature of 38℃ or above 体温达38℃及以上 being very thirsty 非常口渴 ▌中暑了应该怎么做? get them to rest in a cool place - such as a room with air conditioning or somewhere in the shade 转移到凉爽的环境中休息,比如空调房或音凉处 remove any unnecessary clothing, to expose as much of their skin as possible TUO去多余衣物,尽可能多地暴露皮肤 cool their skin - use whatever you have available, a cool, wet sponge or flannel, spray water, cold packs around the neck and armpits, or wrap them in a cool, wet sheet 皮肤物理降温——用湿的凉海绵或绒布,放置在患者颈侧和腋下周围降温,或者用湿的凉布单包裹 fan their skin while it is moist - this will help the water to evaporate, which will help their skin cool down 若皮肤湿润,可用扇子扇风,加速水分蒸发而降温 get them to drink water - sports or rehydration drinks are fine too 多喝水——运动或补液饮料也可以 ▌出现这些症状立即就医: feeling unwell after 30 minutes of resting in a cool place and drinking plenty of water 在通风音凉的环境中休息30分钟且大量饮水后,仍感到不适 not sweating even while feeling too hot 觉得很热但不出汗 a temperature of 40C or above 体温达到40℃或以上 fast breathing or shortness of breath 呼吸急促、气喘 feeling confused 神志恍惚 a fit (seizure) 惊厥 loss of consciousness 意识丧失 not responsive 没有反应 (来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:陈月华) |