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Highlights fromthe Meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization


(Full report will be published in the Weekly Epidemiological Record on10.06.2022, and only

the wording of the full report should be considered as final)


Session 1 –Global & Regional Reports


Report from the WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines& Biologicals


The speed of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been unprecedented withnearly every country introducing the vaccine in under 12 months.


Available data of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against the Omicronvariant generally show waning immunity against infection but high and moresustained effectiveness against severe disease and death, especially afterbooster doses. Data remain very limited for some of the WHO EUL vaccines.


To date, 21 countries remain below 10% population coverage, leaving athigh risk the most vulnerable populations. Among countries eligible for supportthrough the COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) strategy at least 43 have setpopulation targets at 70% or higher and only a small number have targets below40% of their population.


However, available data indicate that coverage among the high prioritygroups is insufficient to provide the needed protection against severe diseaseand death. Health worker coverage is 65% overall, with coverage below 50% insome regions (Non-AMC member states), and coverage of older adults is 69% goingas low as 24% in some regions.


Disruptions to routine immunization programmes persist, including theongoing delay of at least one campaign in 37 countries as of 10 January 2022,putting millions of children at risk of disease outbreaks. Large and disruptiveoutbreaks of measles have occurred in at least 19 countries during the past 12months.


COVID-19 vaccination response and investments offer importantopportunities that are being leveraged to restore and strengthen immunizationprogrammes and enhance their resilience.


WHO Regional Updates


National immunization programmes in all six WHO regions were adverselyimpacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through declining immunization coverage andsurveillance quality, though the magnitude of the impact varied between andwithin regions.


The European region is also facing a challenge due to the ongoing war inUkraine and the resulting large population displacement. The WHO RegionalOffice and partner agencies are taking measures to mitigate the risks ofvaccine-preventable disease outbreaks such as measles, polio, and COVID-19,while also ensuring continued delivery of critical medical supplies and services.


All countries are implementing measures to restore vaccination coverage,with several having identified innovative strategies for catch up vaccination.


The rollout of COVID-19 vaccination is progressing in all regions, thoughvaccine uptake varies between and within regions and disproportionately lowervaccination coverage has been observed in low- and low-middle income countries.Vaccine hesitancy and low risk perception are further affecting the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in several countries.


Gavi report

在Gavi的2021-2025年战略(Gavi 5.0)中,通过建设弹新卫生系统来触达“零剂次免疫儿童”的目的仍然是联盟的首要任务,估计在本战略期间,该联盟的投资将产生超过一半的增效影响。

Reaching the zero-dose children through the building of resilient healthsystems remains a top priority of the Alliance in the Gavi strategy 2021-2025(Gavi 5.0) and is estimated to account for over half the incremental impact ofGavi investments during the strategy period.


A funding window for the rollout of malaria vaccines will be opened inthe second half of 2022 to enable initial vaccine introductions in 2023.


Gavi expressed concern over the 13% decline of global HPV vaccinecoverage in 2020 due to COVID-19 disruptions, attributing this issue primarilyto school closures and limited supply. It was acknowledged that a recommendationfor a single dose regimen has the potential to accelerate introductions andreduce operational costs and complexity.


The COVAX facility has sufficient supply available for all AMC countriesto achieve the WHO 70% coverage target by June 2022. The COVAX Vaccine DeliveryPartnership is supporting countries to overcome barriers and to achievenational coverage targets.


Session 2 –Immunization Agenda 2030 and catch-up vaccination


SAGE was presented with evidence of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicon national immunization programmes mainly due to service delivery disruptions.


The urgent need to close resulting immunity gaps was recognized, as wasthe importance of supporting the recovery and resilience of immunizationprogrammes and mitigating the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks.


SAGE recommended that countries use the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19vaccination rollout as a transformative opportunity to establish resilientimmunization programmes and strengthen primary health care. Among the specificareas identified were health worker vaccination, immunization logistics andregistries, surveillance, data and communications.


The document “Guiding Principles for recovering, building resiliency,and strengthening of immunization in 2022 and beyond” was endorsed andrecommended for dissemination to regional and national immunization technicaladvisory groups so that it may be adapted and used for their local context.


Session 3 –Hepatitis A vaccination


Hepatitis A accounts for over 100 million infections per year and tensof thousands of deaths, mainly due to fulminant liver failure. Infection inearly childhood is mainly asymptomatic and rates of symptomatic and severedisease increase progressively with age.


When countries transition from high to medium endemicity, rates ofsymptomatic and severe disease increase because of a shift in the age ofinfection.


Safe and effective inactivated and live attenuated Hepatitis A vaccinesare available. While the inactivated vaccine is authorized for use in a 2-doseschedule, about 10 countries currently apply an off-label single dose schedulein their universal childhood programme.


New evidence on long-term protection reviewed by SAGE indicates thatsingle- and two-dose schedules of inactivated vaccine are equally effective inpreventing the disease and in providing durable sero-protection. Consequently,the previous position of allowing for a single dose schedule while favouringtwo-doses has been modified to now consider both schedules equally acceptable.


SAGE recommended the use of inactivated hepatitis A vaccines in childhoodimmunization programmes either as a single-dose or two-dose schedule.Introduction of vaccines should be accompanied by monitoring and evaluationplans, and the impact and duration of protection should be regularly monitored.


Session 4 –COVID-19 vaccines


Vaccine product specific recommendations: CanSino


SAGE reviewed data on the CanSino COVID-19 vaccine but will not issueany recommendations until such time as the product is listed by WHO foremergency use.


Infection and vaccination induced immunity


Data regarding infection and vaccine-induced (“hybrid”) SARS-CoV-2immunity was reviewed and deliberated. SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence is risingrapidly globally, on the basis of both infection and vaccination. Theprotective effect of infection-induced immunity, alone or in combination withvaccination needs to be understood, particularly relating to possiblemodifications to the COVID-19 vaccine schedule.


Evidence is emerging rapidly which SAGE has been and will continue tofollow closely. This includes trends on seroprevalence over time, by region,age strata, income levels, and public health and social measures, as well aspopulation level vaccine effectiveness data of hybrid immunity versusvaccine-induced immunity alone, and cohort studies showing how preceding wavesof infection offer protection against re-infection from a different variant ofconcern during a subsequent wave. SAGE assessed this evidence as beingpreliminary, and insufficient to make any changes to the current guidance atthis time.


More evidence is required on duration of protection for both hybridimmunity as well as vaccineinducted immunity, by severity of disease outcome.Considering prevailing scientific uncertainties and the varied populationseroprevalence rates across countries, SAGE recommends that the collection andreview of evidence on hybrid immunity should continue.


A technical statement regarding evidence to data onhybrid immunity will be drafted.


SAGE further emphasized the need to continue to protect high priorityuse groups by achieving high vaccination coverage with full vaccination seriesas outlined in the WHO Priority Roadmap.


Session 5 –Typhoid conjugate vaccination


Typhoid fever incidence estimates remain very high in south Asia andsomewhat lower in Africa though high incidence has been demonstrated inselected sites in sub-Saharan Africa. The peak age of incidence is in children 5-19years, followed by children 1 to 4 years.


Antimicrobial resistance in S. Typhi to ciprofloxacin and azithromycinas well as the emergence of strains resistant to extended spectrumcephalosporins (XDR) is of concern since these limit treatment options andresults in severe outcomes.


SAGE was presented with new data that demonstrated high efficacy andeffectiveness of a single dose of Typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) acrossperse settings (overall efficacy between 79- 88%). This new evidence buildson the immunogenicity data underpinning the TCV policy in place since 2017 andfurther strengthens the current recommendations for TCV use. SAGE was also presentedwith country vaccine introduction experiences and challenges indecision-making.


There is no indication of waning immunity over 2 years. Seroconversionfollowing a single dose of Typbar-TCVin adults >45 to 65 years was high and comparable toyounger adults 18-45 years of age for whom the vaccine is currently licensed.


More data are expected in the next 1-2 years on outstanding questionsabout the duration of protection and the potential need for booster doses ofTCV and an age indication for adults >45 years, on which basis an update ofWHO’s position on typhoid vaccination could be considered.


Session 6 –Human Papillomavirus vaccination


Concern was expressed with the slowing pace of HPV vaccineintroductions, the low population coverage, and especially the coveragebacksliding as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. SAGE noted with alarm thatHPV vaccination implementation is not on track to meet the 2030 global cervicalcancer elimination strategy targets. However, the HPV vaccine supply situationand supplier base were noted as improving in the short- and medium term.


Noting this improving HPV supply situation, SAGE recommended that allcountries urgently introduce the HPV vaccine for the primary target of9-14-year-old girls and, when feasible and affordable, prioritize catching upolder cohorts and missed girls through multi-age cohort vaccination.Vaccination of boys and older cohorts should be carefully managed until thereis unconstrained supply of vaccine.


SAGE reviewed new evidence on the efficacy of a single dose HPV vaccine schedule.Based on all available evidence, SAGE advised that countries may now choosebetween a one- or two-dose schedule for 9–14-year-old girls. This off-labelsingle-dose option for routine and multi-age cohort catch-up vaccination wasconsidered because it provides comparable and high levels of inpidualprotection while from a public health perspective being more efficient (fewerdoses per cancer case prevented), less resource-intensive and is easier toimplement than a two-dose schedule. This advice applies to those HPV vaccinesfor which corresponding 1-dose data have been collected.


Similarly, either a one- or a two-dose schedule may be applied foryoung women aged 15 to 20 years old, while two doses with a 6-month intervalshould be used for females older than 21 years. Boys and older males can followthe same dose schedule as females, while additional evidence is generated onthe efficacy and immunogenicity of a single dose schedule in this group.


Further evidence must be generated on protection in immunocompromisedinpiduals by reduced dose schedules. Until such evidence is available,persons from this population aged 9 years and older should be prioritized andreceive at least two doses, though three doses would be considered optimal ifprogrammatically feasible. Given the high incidence of HPV-related cancers inimmunocompromised persons, those living with HIV, and girls who face sexualabuse, SAGE recommends that they be considered for vaccination against HPV bothwithin and outside of standard eligibility age-range.


Before revising the WHO Position Paper on HPV vaccination, WHO willconduct a stakeholder consultation on these important policy changes.


Session 7 –Poliovirus vaccines


The epidemiology of wild poliovirus type 1 continues to be favourable,with the lowest number of wild polio cases ever reported in a 12-month period,including just 6 cases since late January 2021 and none in Pakistan in 15months. However, SAGE expressed serious concern about the recent detection ofwild poliovirus in Malawi where transmission had been interrupted, as well asabout ongoing transmission of circulating Vaccine Derived Polioviruses(cVDPV2), particularly in the African region where Nigeria still confrontscVDPV2 outbreaks.


The risk of further spread of cVDPV2 from an outbreak detected in 2021within Ukraine was stressed, with recognition of its potential exportation tocountries receiving Ukrainian refugees. SAGE stated the importance of supportand strengthening of poliovirus surveillance throughout the European region.


SAGE noted the data on the safety and genetic stability data on novelOPV2 (nOPV2) confirming a good safety profile and genetic stability of thevaccine. SAGE noted that a framework for a comprehensive analysis of nOPV2performance is under development and requested periodic updates on the safetyand genetic stability data of nOPV2.


The establishment of an “Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) Cessation Team” wasendorsed to enable efficient planning and implementation of the withdrawal ofOPV from routine immunization programs one year after certification of wildpoliovirus eradication.



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