小雨知时节丨处暑出伏伏不走 虎吏酣眠懒送风
本文转自:天目新闻 编者按: 中国传统的二十四节气是人们对四季气候变化的体察与感悟,节气的划分让人更好地感知自然的韵律和气息,从而真切地体会到融入自然、与自然和谐相处的亲密与诗意。二十四节气,不仅仅与农业耕作有关,还有更多惊喜等你来发现。3月5日起,天目新闻推出中英双语版特别栏目《小雨知时节》,陪你一起走过春夏秋冬。 Editor's Note: The traditional Chinese lunar calendar pides the year into 24 solar terms. There is more about 24 solar terms waiting for you to find out. A special column "24 Solar Terms" has been launched by Tianmu News since March 5. Please stay tuned with us. 时至处暑,副热带高压向南撤退,暑意渐消,气温日夜差别增大。 Today marks “Chushu”, “End of Heat” in Chinese. It is the 14th of the 24 solar terms, implying that summer is going away while autumn is around the corner.The subtropical anticyclone retreats southward, the summer heat gradually subsides, and the diurnal temperature increases. 处暑时节,中国大部分地区林果和农作物陆续进入成熟期,农民加紧采摘,抢抓农时,进行水稻施肥、除草等田间管理。 In most part of China, fruits and crops gradually mature in Chushu. For farmers, it is now harvesting time. 在我国部分地区,尤其是南方,秋天来得稍晚,大家还要忍受一阵子炎热的天气,这就是短期回热天气“秋老虎”。 Yet people are still bothered by hot weather in some areas especially in South China. It is called “Indian summer” or “Autumn tiger”, which means autumn heatwaves. “秋老虎”虽然可怕,但是在宋代画家石恪笔下,老虎却显得十分可爱。 “Autumn tiger” is annoying, but in painter Shi Ke’s painting, tigers are cute. 他的代表作《二祖调心图》中一位高僧以睡虎为枕,这位高僧为唐代高僧丰干禅师。画面生动地表现了丰干禅师达到了酣睡入梦,超TUO一切的禅定境地,以虎来衬托出高僧身后的修行和法力。 |