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小雨知时节丨处暑出伏伏不走 虎吏酣眠懒送风




Editor's Note:

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar pides the year into 24 solar terms. There is more about 24 solar terms waiting for you to find out. A special column "24 Solar Terms" has been launched by Tianmu News since March 5. Please stay tuned with us.


Today marks “Chushu”, “End of Heat” in Chinese. It is the 14th of the 24 solar terms, implying that summer is going away while autumn is around the corner.The subtropical anticyclone retreats southward, the summer heat gradually subsides, and the diurnal temperature increases.


In most part of China, fruits and crops gradually mature in Chushu. For farmers, it is now harvesting time.


Yet people are still bothered by hot weather in some areas especially in South China. It is called “Indian summer” or “Autumn tiger”, which means autumn heatwaves.


“Autumn tiger” is annoying, but in painter Shi Ke’s painting, tigers are cute.


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