点击下方音频标题收听 温馨提示 听故事时可以不用看着手机,让孩子专心听。这样有利于保护眼睛,锻炼孩子的注意力。哄睡效果也会更好哦! 每个故事可以连续几天重复听几遍,以加强宝宝的理解和学习效果。 临睡时人的记忆最清晰、最牢固,睡前听一段故事,不仅能让孩子安静入睡,而且有助于提高宝宝的理解力,促进智力发展。每天陪孩子听故事,还能加深父母与孩子之间的交流与沟通,提高孩子的安全感。 睡前听故事是一个循序渐进的过程,坚持最重要!乐爸与您携手 绘 本 欣 赏 Joseph had a little overcoat. It was old and worn. 约瑟夫有件小外套,它又破又旧。 So he made a Jacket out of it, and went to the fair. 所以他把外套改成了一件夹克,然后穿着它去了集市 Joseph had a little Jacket. It got old and worn. 于是约瑟夫拥有了一件夹克,可是渐渐地它变得又破又旧。 So he made a vest out of it, and dance at his nephew's wedding. 所以他把夹克改成了一件背心,然后穿着它在他侄子的婚礼上跳舞。 Joseph had a little vest. It got old and worn. 于是约瑟夫拥有了一件小背心,可是渐渐地它变得又破又旧。 So he made a scarf out of it, and sang in the men's chorus. 所以他把背心改成了一条围巾,然后披着新围巾,在合唱团里唱歌。 Joseph had a little scarf. It got old and worn. 于是约瑟夫又有了一条围巾,渐渐地它变得又破又旧了。 So he made a necktie out of it., and went to visit his married sister in th city. 所以他把围巾改成了一条领带,带着它去城里拜访妹妹一家人。 Joseph had a little necktie. It got old and worn. 约瑟夫拥有了一条领带,可是渐渐地它变得又破又旧。 So he made a handkerchief out of it, and drunk a glass of hot tea with lemon. 所以他把领带改成了一块手帕,围着它享用热腾腾的的柠檬茶。 Joseph had a little handkerchief. It got old and worn. 约瑟夫有了一块手帕,可是渐渐地它变得又破又旧。 So he made a button out of it, and used it to fasten his suspenders. 所以他把手帕改成了一颗纽扣,用它固定他的背带裤。 Joseph had a little button. One day, he lost it. 于是约瑟夫拥有了一颗纽扣。有一天,扣子不见了。 Now he had nothing. 现在他一无所有。 So Joseph made a book about it, which shows, You always Make Something Out of Nothing. 所以约瑟夫写了一本书,告诉我们,你可以“无”中生“有”。 -------- 最平常的生活中,我们也会时时遭遇各种悲苦或无奈,一件破旧的外套,可能就是这些遭遇当中最普通而常见的一种。然而,我们从约瑟夫的“剪裁”和应对之中,分明感受到了一种积极乐观的人生态度,感受到了在许多民间叙事作品中都能够触碰到的快乐天新。 |